Become a member of ICCMO, the global voice of scientific advancement and education in occlusion, neuromuscular dentistry, and TMJ/TMD diagnosis and treatment.
Why Join ICCMO?
- Master occlusion concepts to increase clinical predictability and restorative success.
- Learn evidence-based scientific approaches to TMJ TMD diagnosis and treatment.
- Access the latest insights and information to better help your patients.

Benefits of ICCMO Membership
- Be recognized by patients and other providers as a clinician dedicated to treating TMD through an evidence based scientific approach
- Share knowledge with neuromuscular dentists from around the world at every level of expertise in a convivial atmosphere
- Find and receive referrals from patients and other professionals in your field
- Receive the Anthology of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics, as published, with articles from members of all Sections with the most recent articles on Neuromuscular Dentistry
- Be represented in the Alliance of TMD Organizations
- Fellowship and Mastership recognition programs
- Access to educational forums
- Your profile listed on our website
- Associate membership may be offered to licensed or certified healthcare professionals interested and active in the management of craniomandibular disorders. This includes but not limited to dental hygienists, dental laboratory technicians, physiotherapists, nurses, chiropractors and myofunctional therapists.
Click to Renew or Apply for Membership