Mission and History

For over thirty-five years, the International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO) has been the global voice of scientific advancement and education in occlusion, neuromuscular dentistry, and TMJ/TMD diagnosis and treatment. Learn more about our mission and history.

The College was created as a non-commercial, not for profit organization to provide an open forum for the free exchange of ideas, practices, and research in the field of neuromuscular dentistry in an atmosphere of camaraderie and professionalism. ICCMO is a society of health care professionals with a common interest in the anatomy and physiology of dental occlusion, jaw function and orthopedic dysfunction (TMJ/TMD) with resultant symptoms in the head and neck. ICCMO is a professional organization committed to helping dentists better treat occlusion and TMJ/TMD pain patients using science based technology and techniques utilizing state of the art biomedical instrumentation.

Primary Objectives

ICCMO members bring a high level of integrity, compassion and objectivity in the care of their patients and the organization is committed to the following:

  • To encourage our members to help alleviate the suffering of those persons afflicted with temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD), a form of head and neck pain and dysfunction
  • To encourage study of the anatomy, physiology, biophysics and pathology of the human neuromuscular system
  • To develop research and educational programs that will identify and define the principles of neuromuscular dentistry through programs at universities, dental organizations together with scientific publications in peer reviewed medical and dental journals. Textbooks on TMD have been authored by ICCMO members and published in the US, Japan, and Italy.
  • To teach dentists and allied professionals how the principles of neuromuscular dentistry are applicable to the treatment of malocclusion, dental restoration and the various pathological conditions of headache, sleep apnea, temporomandibular dysfunction and head and neck postural dysfunction
  • To actively endeavor to maintain “Freedom of Practice” for all of the College’s members enabling them to practice in accordance with their professional expertise, license and the needs and desires of each patient. North American ICCMO members have made presentations proving the validity of neuromuscular dental principles and practices before the ADA, USFDA and NIDCR (NIH). Similar activities have transpired in Europe, Japan and South America.


ICCMO was founded in 1979 by Dr. Bernard Jankelson, the Father of the Neuromuscular Dental Occlusion Concept together with an international group of clinicians and dental educators.  Dr. J’s motto was: “If you can measure it is a fact. If you cannot measure it is an opinion.”

ICCMO continues to grow and thrive with active Sections in the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, South America and India with biennial Congresses held in each of the Sections. ICCMO has played a key role throughout these years in gaining recognition and acceptance of neuromuscular dentistry (NMD) and the computerized measurement devices used in clinical practice.  ICCMO has published eleven volumes of the Anthology of Craniomandibular Orthopedics including the works of members from all Sections which provide a rich resource for the clinician seeking scientific answers in the field of occlusion and TMJ TMD. In addition, ICCMO is a founding member of the Alliance of TMD Organizations.